Fifty Years On, A Fight for Land Rights in Suriname Continues

By Jason Pinas* This article was issued by Dialogue Earth and is being republished under the Creattive Commons license. PARAMARIBO, Suriname | 7 July 2024 (IDN) — Ever since Suriname’s independence from the Netherlands nearly fifty years ago, the country’s Indigenous and tribal people have been fighting to have their land rights recognised. “We are […]

UK-Rwanda Asylum Law: UN Leaders Warn of Harmful Consequences

By Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS | 30 April 2024 (IDN) — A highly contentious piece of legislation, forcing migrants and asylum seekers arriving in Britain, to be deported to Rwanda, has come under heavy fire. The bill, described as the British Conservative Party’s flagship immigration policy, was adopted April 22, despite strong opposition from the […]

Landmark Indigenous Rights Declaration Has Yet to be Transformed into Reality

By J Nastranis NEW YORK | 18 April 2024 (IDN) — The designation “Indigenous Peoples” is in itself a challenge, said Bolivian Vice-President David Choquehuanca addressing the UN General Assembly at the UN headquarters, convened to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples. The outcome document of the historic meeting, in […]

Renounced by the Vatican Yet the Repressive Force of 15th Century Persists

By William D. Sunderlin, Ph.D., and Robert J. Miller, J.D.* FAYETTEVILLE, New York | PHOENIX, Arizona | 16 April 2024 (IDN) — It seems ridiculous that a repudiated Catholic doctrine dating back to the 15th century should have legal standing anywhere in the world today. Yet the Onondaga, an Indigenous nation located in Central New […]

Sudan: UN Concerned About Fast Unfolding Humanitarian Crisis

By Caroline Mwanga NEW YORK | 14 April 2024 (IDN) — One year after war erupted between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on 15 April 2023, Sudan is facing one of the fastest unfolding crises globally, with unprecedented needs. About 25 million people—of whom over 14 million are children—need […]

Smearing Ceasefire Protesters, Pelosi Combines Devotion to Israel with Cold-War Mania

By Norman Solomon* SAN FRANCISCO | 30 January 2024 (IDN) — Sometimes there’s a thin line between vile demagoguery and pure idiocy. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi straddled both during a Sunday (28 January) appearance on CNN, when she smeared protesters who’ve been demanding a ceasefire to end Israel’s slaughter of Palestinian people in Gaza. “The former […]

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