NGOs Call for Breaking the Impasse on Disarmament

By J. Nastranis NEW YORK | 23 July 2024 (IDN) — A joint statement for the Second Preparatory Meeting for the 2026 NPT Review Conference by nearly 50 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) —which focus on arms control negotiations—delivered on July 23 by Daryl G. Kimball of the Arms Control Association, calls for “Breaking the Impasse of […]

No More Bombs for Netanyahu, says US Senator  

By Thalif Deen NEW YORK | 19 June 2024 (IDN) — US Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent-Vermont), one of the most vociferous opponents of Israel’s unrestrained military attacks on civilians in Gaza, urged the Biden Administration to stop sending any additional weapons and ammunitions to the Netanyahu government. In a statement released June 18, Sanders responded […]

How Can Putin Avoid Nuclear War? By Being a Little Crazier?

By Mike Whitney* This article was originally published on The Unz Review. WASHINGTION STATE | 9 June 2024 (IDN) — President Putin’s press conference on 28 May in Uzbekistan might have been the most unusual and extraordinary event in his 24-year political career. After addressing the Constitutional issues surrounding Ukrainian President Zelensky’s decision to remain […]

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