Sub-Saharan Africa’s Growth Requires Quality Education for Growing Population

By Michele Fornino and Andrew Tiffin WASHINGTON. DC | 1 May 2024 (IDN) — Demographic transition may be the biggest single opportunity for the economies of sub-Saharan Africa, but countries will only be able to enjoy the dividends if they make sufficient investment in education. The region’s population is poised to double to 2 billion […]

Renounced by the Vatican Yet the Repressive Force of 15th Century Persists

By William D. Sunderlin, Ph.D., and Robert J. Miller, J.D.* FAYETTEVILLE, New York | PHOENIX, Arizona | 16 April 2024 (IDN) — It seems ridiculous that a repudiated Catholic doctrine dating back to the 15th century should have legal standing anywhere in the world today. Yet the Onondaga, an Indigenous nation located in Central New […]

Sudan: UN Concerned About Fast Unfolding Humanitarian Crisis

By Caroline Mwanga NEW YORK | 14 April 2024 (IDN) — One year after war erupted between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on 15 April 2023, Sudan is facing one of the fastest unfolding crises globally, with unprecedented needs. About 25 million people—of whom over 14 million are children—need […]

A Sustainable Future Must Respect Indigenous Peoples’ Worldviews

By Dario José Mejía Montalvo* The writer is Chair of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues NEW YORK | 1 April 2024 (IDN) — The recent sessions of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) have addressed crucial issues and persistent and emerging challenges for the realization of Indigenous Peoples’ rights. For […]

Advancing Nuclear Research: Countering Cancer and Climate Change

United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) UNITED NATIONS | 30 November 2023 (IDN) — Nuclear research is driving innovation in science, technology, medicine, and clean energy for the benefit of communities around the globe. The Nuclear Technology Review 2022 issued  by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, already underlined that “the use of nuclear […]

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