Odds Still Stacked Against Poorest Children

By Sean Buchanan NEW YORK (IDN) – Although there have been historic gains over the last 30 years in improving children’s lives, urgent action is needed if the poorest children are to feel the impact, warns a new UN report. The report, published on November 18 by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and released ahead […]

Russia Targets Foreign Students to Boost Image Abroad

By Kester Kenn Klomegah MOSCOW (IDN) – The Russian Ministry of Higher Education, the Russian Rectors’ Association and Education NGOs have been on their heels to realize important tasks given them by President Vladimir Putin. As an integral part of educational reforms, he has stressed the importance of enormous initiatives and modernization efforts. He also […]

UNESCO-Japan Prize for Organizations in Namibia, Indonesia and Estonia

By Robert Johnson PARIS (IDN) – UNESCO , the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, has nominated three non-profit organizations in Namibia, Indonesia and Estonia for outstanding projects aimed at promoting the role of education in connecting the social, economic, cultural and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, known as Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). […]

Young People Head SDG Publicity in Iceland

By Lowana Veal REYKJAVIK (IDN) – Iceland has decided to spearhead publicity for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by setting up a 12-person council of young people aged between 13 and 18, under the auspices of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). Over 140 young people applied for the 12 places and, according to Nilsina Larsen […]

Learning from the Facebook Data Scandal

By Nakshatra Pachauri Nakshatra Pachauri is Controller, Finance and Administration of the South Centre. The views in the article are solely those of the author. This article first appeared in No. 167 of SouthViews – a service of the South Centre to provide opinions and analysis of topical issues from a South perspective – on […]

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