After 20 Years of ‘Negative Peace’, Liberians Want Change

By Lisa Vives, Global Information Network NEW YORK | 25 June 2024 (IDN) — In the past two decades, impunity has reigned supreme in Liberia, with suspected wartime criminals engaged in political intimidation, threats of renewed violence and doling out the spoils of war. Some have reinvented themselves as millionaires-cum-moguls, philanthropists, political kingmakers, ethno-nationalists or […]

UN Seeks to Counter Misinformation, Disinformation and Hate Speech

By J Nastranis NEW YORK | 25 June 2024 (IDN) — “The spread of hatred and lies online is causing grave harm to our world. Misinformation, disinformation and hate speech are fueling prejudice and violence; exacerbating divisions and conflicts; demonizing minorities; and compromising the integrity of elections,” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, presenting on […]

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