By Jonathan Power*
LUND, Sweden | 9 December 2024 (IDN) — Albert Einstein once said that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”. That’s how it seems to be with President Joe Biden continuously sending his secretary of state to the Middle East to attempt to resurrect the talks about talks between Israel and Palestinians.
Israel is close to running an apartheid state which, as was South Africa’s, has a termination date built in. Israelis hide their eyes from what is coming down the road.
What has happened to pledges made by successive US presidents to “re-evaluate” US policy on Israel? At the UN the US as usual digs in its heels when Israel is admonished.
France once suggested that the UN Security Council adopt a resolution that would outline the basic parameters of a just political settlement. The proposal would contain a deadline for agreement. If broken by Israel, the rest of the world would be encouraged to pressure it with a tight economic boycott. This is the best idea suggested for a long time. Europe alone, Israel’s biggest trade partner, could bring Israel to its knees.
Failing success in changing Israeli minds a one-state solution is surely inevitable. The present partial de facto one will become a sort of de jure one.
However, the possibility is always there that faced with present Israeli intransigence, combined with the old frustrations of failed negotiations, lack of international pressure and an armed struggle by some that has achieved nothing, Abbas will dismantle the Palestinian Authority, Palestine’s government.
This would effectively put the responsibility for the governance of the West Bank (which is where most of Palestine exists, ever smaller, as Israeli settlements intrude) on Israel’s shoulders.
Abbas once said that Palestinians should give up the notion of a two-state solution and demand instead civil rights from Israel—as Nelson Mandela did in South Africa.
The consequence of such a move would be the demanding of the right to vote in Israeli elections, to be represented on the Supreme Court and be given equal rights in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. No longer would 5.5 million Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza only be demanding land. They would be demanding a voice and a role inside Israel itself. (Israel’s population is 9.3 million.)
For now, Abbas is still pursuing the two-state solution. But Abbas is getting old, and a new vigorous generation of politicos is waiting in the wings, including Abbas’s youngest son who has been outspoken about the concept of a one-state solution.
The most likely candidate for future leadership is Muhammed Dahlan, who Abbas effectively exiled to the United Arab Emirates. Dahlan is widely popular, charismatic and unafraid to shed blood. He too talks about the one-state concept. A poll by the Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research found that 65% of Palestinians over the age of 50 still preferred a two-state solution but 48% of those between the ages of 18 and 28 did not.
Israeli leaders, at least on the right and centre, might well feel bewildered if this came to pass. They would lose their trump card in elections—who best defends security. On the other hand, the Palestinians would be putting their security totally into the hands of Israel. In this case, Israeli politicians would find it hard to reject Palestinians agitating for the vote to elect an Israeli parliament.
Of course, this would put paid to the concept of a Jewish state which most Israelis would find impossible to agree to (although a majority of Jews living outside Israel might well differ on that).
Former US Secretary of State John Kerry created a big fuss when he warned that without a peace deal Israel would become an “apartheid state”.
Writing in “Foreign Affairs” Grant Rumley and Amir Tibon say, “Only when the Palestinians make the Israelis recognize that the status quo cannot persist indefinitely will the Israelis begin to see a two-state solution as the least-bad option.”
Paradoxically, the call for a one-state solution is perhaps the best way to gain a two-state one. Is this how it is going to go?
For 17 years, Jonathan Power was a foreign affairs columnist for the International Herald Tribune. [IDN-InDepthNews]
Copyright © Jonathan Power
Image source: Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs