The International Press Syndicate Group (INPS Group) is a non-profit entity and may not be used to obtain a personal benefit, economic or otherwise.
The INPS Group is independent of all political entities.
The INPS Group respects and values race, gender, nationality and cultural differences.
The activities of the INPS Group aim at promoting:
- genuine and fair global governance built on the bedrock of social justice and global citizenship
- a culture of peace that facilitates a nuclear-weapons-free world
- South-South, South-North and trilateral cooperation in the interest of ensuring human rights and civil liberties
- environmental, social and economic sustainability within and beyond the framework of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that aim to transform the world by 2030
- reflection on the concerns of the marginalised sections of societies in rich, middle and low-income countries
- the work of artists who contribute to cross-cultural communication, recognition of cultural values and the furtherance of a more equitable society based on justice and freedom
- the building of bridges between citizens and institutions to make information more democratic and participatory.
Financial Contributions
The INPS Group or any of its affiliates may seek or accept financial contributions from any source (including from the private sector) on the following conditions:
- The activities and business conduct of a contributor must be compatible with themission and values of the INPS Group.
- A contributor must be conducting its business responsibly by having aligned its strategies and operations with the principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption
- A contributor must be taking strategic action to advance broader societal goals such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
- Any agreement with a contributor must include a specific clause of commitment to the mission and values of the INPS Group.
- Any agreement with a contributor must include a specific clause of acceptance of the editorial independence of the INPS Group.
- A contributor must not be intending to use the INPS Group for individual publicity or promotional purposes.