Oligarchs Turn Moldova into a Cauldron of Corruption

By Alina Inayeh*

BUCHAREST, Romania (IDN | GMF) – History repeats itself, giving us the chance to avoid repeating our mistakes. The Ukrainian story should have taught us a lot about the short-sightedness of supporting a bad government for geopolitical reasons.

Now, as protests against Moldova’s newly formed government are drawing many thousands, is the moment for political leaders in Europe and the United States to take a deep breath and recall this lesson before showing their support to the Moldovan government, known to be controlled by the country’s most powerful oligarch and with little, if any, credible interest in promoting the reforms Moldova needs.

Oligarchs Turn Moldova into a Cauldron of Corruption

By Alina Inayeh*

BUCHAREST, Romania (IDN | GMF) – History repeats itself, giving us the chance to avoid repeating our mistakes. The Ukrainian story should have taught us a lot about the short-sightedness of supporting a bad government for geopolitical reasons.

Now, as protests against Moldova’s newly formed government are drawing many thousands, is the moment for political leaders in Europe and the United States to take a deep breath and recall this lesson before showing their support to the Moldovan government, known to be controlled by the country’s most powerful oligarch and with little, if any, credible interest in promoting the reforms Moldova needs.

G20’s Role in Development Cooperation as China Takes Over

By Thomas Fues & Maike Saltzmann*

BONN (INPS | GDI) – China took over the presidency of the group of the twenty leading industrial and emerging countries (G20) on December 1. In spite of its impressive economic success, the country continues to regard itself as a developing nation and its government intends to place particular emphasis on the interests of all developing countries.

Following up on China’s leadership, Germany can use its chair of the G20 in 2017 to promote implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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