By Kalinga Seneviratne
SYDNEY (IDN) — The November 2021 issue of Sustainable Development Observer focuses on Climate Change and the COP26 summit in Glasgow. We look at the debate on methane gas reduction from a farming mythology perspective. Indigenous people have called for a stop to ‘war on nature’ and we look at their perspective on climate change.
And, why is a Japanese Buddhist group calling for an annual UN Youth Climate Summit? Find out more about this issue. Also while Greta Thunberg gets all the attention, we look at why youth from the Global South says their voices are ignored at COP26.
Many Pacific Islands are threatened with extinction while the sea levels rise due to global warming. We bring you a viewpoint from the Cook Islands Prime Minister on why rich countries need to deliver on their “Pacific Climate Financing” promises, and also from the Pacific we bring you a report on how Australia is buying “silence” from Pacific nations on climatic change issues.
Looking critically at the COP26 final communiqué we question why farming and food security have been ignored? Because food security is a critical issue, we look at Africa and how climate change is creating environmental havoc and threatening food security.
We have two special features from Asia—one from Thailand on how a Buddhist monk is helping COVID-effected people to embark on a new sustainable livelihood—and from the Philippines on how a group of young people is fighting to save indigenous land from “developers”.
We feature three important reports that give different perspectives on the impact of climatic change on people. The Health Argument for Climatic Action gives 10 recommendations for tackling the climate and health crises.
The Heat Is On provides data on where we are in the goal of achieving the 2030 greenhouse emission reduction targets. Global Health Watch is a critical expose of who controls the global health agenda.
Keeping to the theme of health, our focus feature this month centres on the medical brain drain from the Global South with a special look at Nigeria and the Philippines. . [IDN-InDepthNews – 03 December 2021]
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