Build a Dike Against the Middle-Easternization of Turkey

By Emiliano Alessandri* | IDN-InDepthNews Viewpoint

WASHINGTON (IDN | GMF) – Ongoing developments in EU-Turkey relations are as significant as they are worrying. In an exceptional summit in November, the EU committed itself to massive financial aid in exchange for Turkey bearing the brunt of a refugee crisis that has sent it over 2 million Syrians since 2011.

Despite the direct threat posed by the self-proclaimed Islamic State group (ISIS) after the Paris terrorist attacks, the summit’s focus was only partly on the transit of foreign terrorist fighters across the porous Turkish-Syrian border that Turkey has recently been working to block.

Paris and A Tale of Democracy and Climate

By Roberto Savio* | IDN-InDepthNews Viewpoint

ROME (IDN) – In the space of just a few days, two fundamental lessons have come from Paris for the world about democracy and climate. The media have been dealing with them as separate issues, but they are, in fact, linked by the same problem that can no longer be ignored: democracy is on the wane. | READ IN JAPANESE |

While all media have reported the defeat of the Front National in the French administrative elections, and while few have made the old observation that to win a battle is not to win a war, there is no doubt that the FN is becoming a mainstream party.

In these elections, the traditional political system – the centre-right under former French president Nicolas Sarkozy and the socialists under current president François Hollande – again joined forces to keep the FN under Marine Le Pen out.

Kinderrechte: UN-Resolution fordert Mitsprache von Jugendlichen in Friedensverhandlungen

Von J. Nastranis

NEW YORK (IDN) – Der UN-Sicherheitsrat hat eine Resolution angenommen, die sich zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte des Gremiums ausschließlich mit der Rolle von Kindern bei Friedensprozessen beschäftigt. Die von Jordanien eingebrachte Resolution 2250 fordert die UN-Mitgliedstaaten dazu auf, junge Menschen in Friedensverhandlungen und in den Kampf gegen Extremismus einzubeziehen.

Study Unveils How Big Philanthropy Shapes Development Agenda

By Rodney Reynolds | IDN-InDepthNews Analysis

UNITED NATIONS (IDN) – Global development policy is being increasingly influenced not only by “big business” but also by “big philanthropy”, warns a new study released here.

“They have become influential actors in international policy debates, including, most importantly, how to address poverty eradication, sustainable development, climate change and the protection of human rights”.

Study Unveils How Big Philanthropy Shapes Development Agenda

UNITED NATIONS (IDN) – Global development policy is being increasingly influenced not only by “big business” but also by “big philanthropy”, warns a new study released here.

“They have become influential actors in international policy debates, including, most importantly, how to address poverty eradication, sustainable development, climate change and the protection of human rights”. SPANISH | GERMAN | HINDI | JAPANESE

Paris Climate Agreement Promises to be UN Chief’s Legacy

By J Nastranis | IDN-InDepthNews Analysis

NEW YORK | PARIS (IDN) – Ban Ki-moon has reason to be sure that when he completes his second term as the Secretary-General of the United Nations end of December 2016, he would have left behind a proud legacy.

Climate change has been “one of the defining priorities” of his tenure since January 2007, when he took over as Secretary-General. In his remarks at the closing of COP21, Ban stressed: “Over the past nine years, I have spoken repeatedly with nearly every world leader. I have visited the climate front lines, from the Arctic to Antarctica and to the Amazon, from the Sahel to the Aral Sea. I have been to Pacific Islands that are sinking under the waves.”

Paris Climate Agreement Promises to be UN Chief’s Legacy

NEW YORK | PARIS (IDN) – Ban Ki-moon has reason to be sure that when he completes his second term as the Secretary-General of the United Nations end of December 2016, he would have left behind a proud legacy.

Climate change has been “one of the defining priorities” of his tenure since January 2007, when he took over as Secretary-General. In his remarks at the closing of COP21, Ban stressed: “Over the past nine years, I have spoken repeatedly with nearly every world leader. I have visited the climate front lines, from the Arctic to Antarctica and to the Amazon, from the Sahel to the Aral Sea. I have been to Pacific Islands that are sinking under the waves.”

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