The Magic of Mali’s Digital Pharmaceutical Registry

By UNCTAD GENEVA | 10 February 2024 (IDN) — A digital transformation supported by UNCTAD in the West African nation’s pharmaceutical industry is paving the way for quicker import and distribution of life-saving medicines—all online. Imagine living in a country where urgent medical supplies take 18 months to be imported and distributed, putting people’s lives […]

Diplomacy and Neutrality—Not More Killing—Is the Answer to Ukraine’s Security

By Jeffrey D. Sachs* This article was published in Common Dreams and is being republished with the author’s permission. NEW YORK | 9 February 2024 (IDN) — President Joe Biden is refusing to fold a losing hand as he bets with Ukrainian lives and U.S. taxpayer money. Biden and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer […]

Poultry and Livestock Production Helps Communities Build Climate Resilience in Zimbabwe

By Farai Shawn Matiashe HARARE | 9 February 2024 (IDN) — When Peter Mangana’s crops were hit by drought over a decade ago, he felt depressed. He struggled to feed his family in Bhasikiti village in Mwenezi, southern Zimbabwe. The 49-year-old later realised that he was experiencing the effects of climate change and that he […]

WHO Urges Provision of Life-Saving Health Services for the Most Vulnerable in Sudan

By Jaya Ramachandran GENEVA | 8 February 2024 (IDN) — Nearly ten months since the escalation of the conflict in Sudan in April 2023, the humanitarian situation in the country has deteriorated, resulting in the world’s largest displacement crisis. The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling on the international community to meet 100% of the […]

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