Russia’s Next President: If Not Putin, Then Who?

Analysis by Somar Wijayadasa* NEW YORK | 7 March 2024 (IDN)—Russia’s elections are scheduled for 15 to 17 March. For decades, the Presidential elections of Russia have been closely watched and scrutinized by all countries around the world—because Russia is the largest country in the world and the richest in natural resources. It is despised […]

UN’s Lagging Development Goals Need a Sense of Urgency

By Simone Galimberti* KATHMANDU, Nepal | 6 March 2024 (IDN)—The latest Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) was recently launched in Bangkok. As usual, it was a mix of official interventions by ministries from the whole region and a wide-ranging array of exciting side events organized mainly by civil society in partnership with United […]

Boots on the Ground?

By Herbert Wulf* This article was issued by the Toda Peace Institute and is being republished with their permission. BONN, Germany | 5 March 2024 (IDN) — During the last week of February, an international conference in support of Ukraine was held in Paris at the invitation of French President Emmanuel Macron. The reason for […]

President Putin: “Don’t They Get That?”

Analysis by Somar Wijayadasa* NEW YORK | 5 March 2024 (IDN) — Russia’s President Vladimir Putin delivered his 19th State of the Nation address, on February 29, to a large audience including members of both houses of parliament, state officials, military commanders and soldiers. This year’s speech holds special significance as the presidential election is […]

US-Funded Mission of Kenyan Forces Prepares For Battle With Gun-Toting Haitian Gangs

By Lisa Vives, Global Information Network NEW YORK | 4 March 2024 (IDN) — Some 1,000 Kenyan police officers are preparing to head out on a controversial mission to end deadly gang violence in Haiti. The last obstacle to the mission was reportedly lifted by a Kenyan court, which had ruled the deployment illegal because […]

Nigerian Workers on Strike as Fuel Prices Hike

By Lisa Vives, Global Information Network NEW YORK | 4 March 2024 (IDN) — Recently-elected Nigerian President Bola Tinubu gave hope to a country in need of a miracle. “The prospect of a better future merges with our improved capacity to create that future,” he promised a nation barely holding it together with ethnic and […]

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