Photo: Mass rally in Cuba marked ‘Che’ Guevara’s 50th death anniversary on October 9, 2017. Credit: CubaSi - Photo: 2018

Guevara and Marx: Critical Remake of an Old Film – 9

By Roberto Massari*

This is the ninth of a nine-part series. Read Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

BOLSENA, Italy (IDN) – FADE-OUT … Scene 9[ Vallegrande, October 9, 2017]

The scene is composite, polychrome and multi-sound. On the large clearing for what in the past was to become the Vallegrande airport in Bolivia, some thousands of people convened by the government of President Evo Morales are gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Che’s fall in combat.

There are many multi-coloured flags, but mostly red with the silhouette of Korda’s famous photo, Andean and Caribbean music, and the banners of political, trade union and cultural associations of various Latin American origins. In the days that proceeded, scholars of Guevarism from various parts of the world had spoken: the author came from Italy but, incredibly, was the only one from Europe.

“Che lives” is the slogan most repeated, but the church-shaped building erected on the site where the bones of Guevara were found is there to testify to the contrary. And that tomb is mentally associated with the Cuban Mausoleum of Santa Clara, inside which the atmosphere is even more strongly mystical and religious according to a Cuban hagiographic tradition, already started in October 1967.

For those wishing to deepen or extend the discourse on this evolution of the figure of Guevara – anti-materialistic (hence anti-Marxian), mystical and popular-irrational – a fascinating study has been conducted for years by a professor emeritus of art history at the University of California (Los Angeles): David Kunzle (b. 1936), Chesucristo. The Fusion in Image and Word of Che Guevara and Jesus Christ .

Che is dead, of that there is no doubt. But through the reflection conducted so far what is dead is above all his relationship with Marx. And this did not happen fifty years after La Higuera, but while the famous Commander was still alive.

In fact, after the wealth of theoretical references contained in The Prague Notebooks, no further reflections by Che on issues related to Marxism can be found. We have the titles of the works that he would have liked to read or read again at the end of the Bolivian Diary, but the names of Marx, Lenin or other famous Marxists are totally absent from that famous diary. Trotsky is the exception but only because that day (July 31, 1967) Guevara complains of the loss of one of his books.

The reader can easily verify all this because since 1996 there has also been a name index for the Bolivian Diary: I put it together for the version I edited of the Illustrated Bolivian Diary and it is the only one existing in the world. And I have always wondered whether this incredible shortcoming – namely that there exists no edition of the Diary (not even in Cuba) with a proper index of names – is not a symptom of the theoretical disinterest in the last ideological evolution of Che.

If in the first years after the defeat in Bolivia the lack of interest could have had political reasons – since Guevara was totally indigestible for the capitalist countries, but even more so for the countries of the alleged “real socialism” (including China and indeed in pride of place given that there news was ever even given of his death) – as time passed there were other reasons that could explain why the Guevara/Marx union lost much of its potential theoretical attraction.

First, there was the fact that Che’s polemic against the USSR had lost much of its interest and its subversive potential after the collapse of the Soviet Empire in 1991 (and yet in Cuba it had long been forbidden to talk about it ever since the end of the 1960s). It should also be added that the Guevarian reflection on the theme of alienation (whether Marxian, Sartrian or humanist) was soon overwhelmed by the birth of the myth of his person and the hijacking of it by the mass society of the spectacle.

This reabsorption of the figure of Che which could not avoid sweeping away his relationship with Marxism has been magnificently described in one of the most beautiful books written on contemporary “Guevarism”, that is, on how the world of culture and entertainment lives on and exploits his figure so many years after his death: see Michael Casey (b. 1967),Che’s Afterlife. The Legacy of an Image.

If the communist and internationalist connotation of his political action, the fascination of his rebellion against any conformism, the ethical value of his renunciation of the management of State power (a unique case in the history of the twentieth century), and his original theorisation of the theory-priaxis relationship that I have defined as “revolutionary humanism” all have been lost, could his relationship with Marx have possibly survived?

Of course not.

All that remains is to close our remake of the old film with a famous aphorism by Woody Allen: “Marx is dead, Guevara is dead … and I’m not feeling too well myself”.


Anderson, Jon Lee Che Guevara. A Revolutionary Life, Bantam Press, London 1997]

Borrego, Orlando Che, el camino del fuego, Imagen Contemporánea, Havana 2001

Borrego, Orlando (edited by) El Che en la Revolución cubana, 6 vols., Minaz [Sugar Ministry], Havana 1967

Casey, Michael Che’s Afterlife. The Legacy of an Image, Vintage Books, New York 2009

Cátedra Ernesto Che Guevara Introducción al pensamiento marxista, edited by Néstor Kohan, Ediciones Madres de Plaza de Mayo/La Rosa Blindada, Buenos Aires 2003

Che Guevara. Quaderni della Fondazione/Cuadernos de la Fundación/Notebooks of the Foundation, (CQGF), Massari editore, Bolsena 1998-2016, Nos. 1-10

Cupull, Adys & González, Froilán Cálida presencia. Su amistad con Tita Infante, Ed. Oriente, Santiago de Cuba 1995

Franqui, Carlos El libro de los doce, Instituto del Libro, Havana 1967 (Ediciones Huracán, Havana 1968)

Gadea Acosta, Hilda Che Guevara. Años decisivos, Aguilar, Mexico 1972 [I miei anni con il Che, Erre emme (Massari ed.), Rome 1995]

Guevara, Ernesto Che Apuntes críticos a la economía politica, Ciencias Sociales, Havana 2006

Guevara, Ernesto Che Illustrated Bolivian Diary, edited by Roberto Massari, Editora política (Havana)/Massari editore (Rome) 1996

Guevara, Ernesto Che Escritos y discursos, 9 vols., Ciencias Sociales, Havana 1977

Guevara, Ernesto Che Marx y Engels. Una síntesis biográfica, Centro de Estudios Che Guevara (Havana)/Ocean Press (Sur), 2007

Guevara, Ernesto Che Obras 1957-1967, 2 vols., Casa de las Américas, Havana 1970

Guevara, Ernesto Che Prima di morire. Appunti e note di lettura, Feltrinelli, Milan 1998

Guevara, Ernesto Che Scritti scelti, edited by Roberto Massari, 2 vols., Erre emme (Massari ed.), Rome 1996

Guevara, Ernesto Che El socialismo y el hombre nuevo, edited by José Aricó, Siglo XXI, Mexico (1977) 1979

Guevara, Ernesto Che Temas económicos, edited by Juan José Soto Valdespino, Ciencias Sociales, Havana 1988

Guevara, Ernesto Che and others El gran debate sobre la economía en Cuba (1963-1964), Ciencias Sociales, Havana 2004

Hart Dávalos, Armando Marx, Engels y la condición humana. Una visión desde Cuba, Ciencias Sociales, Havana 2005

Kohan, Néstor Otro mundo es posible, Nuestra América, Buenos Aires 2003

Kunzle, David Chesucristo. The Fusion in Image and Word of Che Guevara and Jesus Christ, with a Postface by Roberto Massari, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2016 [Massari ed., Bolsena 2016]

Лаврецкий, Иосиф Årn∂sto C∂ G∂vara, Molodaja Gvardija, Moskva 1972 [Lavretski, Iosif, Ernesto Che Guevara, Editorial Progreso, Moscow 1975]

Löwy, Michael La pensée de Che Guevara, Maspero, Paris

Massari, Roberto Che Guevara. Pensamiento y política de la utopía, Txalaparta, Tafalla (Navarroa)/Buenos Aires 1992-2004 [Che Guevara. Pensiero e politica dell’utopia, Erre emme (Massari ed.), Roma (1987) 1994]

Pericás, Luis Bernardo Che Guevara e o debate econômico em Cuba, Xamã editora, São Paulo 2004 [Che Guevara and the Economic Debate in Cuba, Atropos Press, New York/Dresden 2009; Che Guevara y el debate económico en Cuba, Corregidor, Buenos Aires 2011]

Rojo, Ricardo Mi amigo el Che, (J. Álvarez, Buenos Aires 1968), Editorial Sudamericana, Buenos Aires 1998 [Mondadori, Milan 1968]

Sartre, Jean-Paul Sartre visita a Cuba, Ediciones Revolución, Havana 1961 [Visita a Cuba, Massari ed., Bolsena 2005]

Serguera Riverí, Jorge (“Papito”) Caminos del Che. Datos inéditos de su vida, Plaza y Valdés, Mexico 1997

Soria Galvarro Terán, Carlos, Andares del Che en Bolivia, Cienflores, Ituzaingó (Buenos Aires) 2014

Soria Galvarro T., Carlos (ed.) Campaña del Che en Bolivia, Huellas, La Paz 1997

Vázquez Viaña, Humberto Una guerrilla para el Che. Antecedentes, 2nd enlarged edition, El País, Santa Cruz de la Sierra 2008 [La guerriglia del Che in Bolivia. Antecedenti, Massari ed., Bolsena 2003]

Zeitlin, Maurice & Sheer, Robert Cuba. Tragedy in Our Hemisphere, Grove Press, New York 1963 [Cuba, An American Tragedy (enlarged edition) Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1964, pp. 186-95]

Roberto Massari, an Italian publisher, graduated in Philosophy in Rome, Sociology in Trento and Piano Studies at the Conservatory of Perugia. He has been President of the Che Guevara International Foundation since 1998 and is moderator of the Utopia Rossa (Red Utopia) blog. Translated from Italian by Phil Harris. [IDN-InDepthNews – 27 August 2018]

Photo: Mass rally in Cuba marked ‘Che’ Guevara’s 50th death anniversary on October 9, 2017. Credit: CubaSi

IDN is flagship agency of the International Press Syndicate. –

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