Court Freezes Planned Amazon HQ in Cape Town on Historically Significant Site

By Lisa Vives, Global Information Network NEW YORK (IDN) — A massive new complex housing Amazon’s proposed South African headquarters along with a hotel and other businesses continues to face stiff opposition from indigenous Khoisan, environmental and community groups despite city officials already approving of construction of the nine-story construction. Opponents say the project will […]

Concern Over ‘Fortress Conservation’ and Evictions of Kenyans from Ancestral Homelands

By Lisa Vives, Global Information Network NEW YORK (IDN) — Nature conservancies, with the stated goal of protecting wilderness and endangered wildlife, have enabled the removal of tribal peoples from their ancestral homelands in Africa to allow superior “western” models of conservation to prevail, according to the activist group Survival International. Under the western model, […]

Over 100 Millionaires Call for Wealth Taxes on The Richest

By Rodney Reynolds NEW YORK (IDN) — A group of over 100 millionaires and billionaires from nine countries published an open letter January 19 to government and business leaders, calling for permanent annual wealth taxes on the very richest to help reduce extreme inequality and raise revenue for sustained, long-term increases in public services like […]

Global Agreement Defines The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

By Caroline Mwanga NEW YORK (IDN) — A historic agreement defines the common values and principles needed to ensure the healthy development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). All the member states of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have signed the agreement. The importance of the agreement signed on November 23 is underlined by […]

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