Experts Study Ways Out of the Food Crisis in Sahel West Africa

By Jaya Ramachandran PARIS, 19 April 2023 (IDN) — The Sahel and West Africa region is facing a chronic food and nutrition crisis, with 29.5 million people currently needing immediate food and nutrition assistance. This number could reach 42.5 million people by June-August 2023 if appropriate measures are not taken. Furthermore, 107.5 million people currently […]

Thailand: ‘Seeds of Hope’ Aims to Ensure Community Food Security

By Pattama Vilailert KAEN MAKROOD, Thailand (IDN) — With the belief that without seeds, there is no hope of sustaining food security to accommodate the global population, the ‘Seeds of Hope’ (SOH) project in Thailand aims to mobilize the community to be self-reliant in their farming methods and protect themselves from predatory agri-business companies. The […]

Urban Dwellers in Southern Africa Turn to Backyard Farming

By Jeffrey Moyo HARARE, Zimbabwe (IDN) — At unoccupied swathes of land behind houses in Bloomingdale, a medium-income suburb in the Zimbabwean capital Harare, numerous maize fields and vegetable gardens have emerged as urban dwellers enduring economic hardships switch to backyard farming. Zambia, despite emerging from an economic crisis during former President Edgar Lungu’s reign […]

UN Agencies Help Enhance Food Safety and International Trade in 14 Countries

By Joanne Burge, IAEA Office of Public Information and Communication VIENNA (IDN | IAEA) — Animal diseases and crop pests can badly affect food supply and economies. Managing these problems can result in farming practices that involve the use of chemicals, which can lead to another problem: unsafe levels of chemical residues and contaminants in […]

Agroecology, The Antidote for Climate Change?

By Busani Bafana SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt (IDN) — The world needs to dump the false solutions of industrial agriculture for food and nutritional security and adopt agroecology in tackling climate change, says Edward Mukiibi, president of Slow Food, a global organization promoting local food and traditional cooking. Agroecology rejects chemical fertilizers and tackles climate change […]

A New Initiative Seeks to Transform Agriculture & Food Systems

By Bernhard Schell SHARM EL-SHEIKH (IDN) — The Egyptian Presidency of the UN Climate Conference COP27 has launched a new initiative Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation or FAST, to improve the quantity and quality of climate finance contributions to transform agriculture and food systems by 2030. The cooperation programme will have concrete deliverables for […]

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