US-Funded Mission of Kenyan Forces Prepares For Battle With Gun-Toting Haitian Gangs

By Lisa Vives, Global Information Network NEW YORK | 4 March 2024 (IDN) — Some 1,000 Kenyan police officers are preparing to head out on a controversial mission to end deadly gang violence in Haiti. The last obstacle to the mission was reportedly lifted by a Kenyan court, which had ruled the deployment illegal because […]

Gaza War: Europe, Israel and the US Form the Triangle of Guilt

By Boaventura de Sousa Santos* ‘Z’ originally published this article under the Creative Commons licence. COIMBRA, Portugal | 26 February 2023 (IDN) — In 1947, Karl Jaspers published a short book entitled The Question of German Guilt (Die Schuldfrage)[1]. It was the time of a Germany devastated in body and soul, a pariah people, disgraced […]

Diplomacy and Neutrality—Not More Killing—Is the Answer to Ukraine’s Security

By Jeffrey D. Sachs* This article was published in Common Dreams and is being republished with the author’s permission. NEW YORK | 9 February 2024 (IDN) — President Joe Biden is refusing to fold a losing hand as he bets with Ukrainian lives and U.S. taxpayer money. Biden and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer […]

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