By Aurora Weiss VIENNA | 25 October 2023 (IDN) — Slovenians claim that the entry of the Republic of Croatia into Schengen* resulted in a record number of illegal migrants. Since the beginning of 2023, 40,000 illicit entries have been registered from the Croatian side. But the actual numbers are believed to be much higher. […]
NATO Secretary General Will Tell You Who Started the Ukraine War
By Benjamin Abelow* MONTCLAIR, NEW JERSEY, USA | 15 October 2023 (IDN | Independent Media Institute) — There are two competing narratives about the origins of the Ukraine War. According to one narrative, Vladimir Putin is a Hitler-like aggressor. He wants to reestablish the Soviet empire by swallowing Ukraine and threatening the Baltic countries, Poland, […]
A German Foundation Taps Zimbabwe Writer Citing ‘Remarkable Courage’
By Lisa Vives, Global Information Network NEW YORK | 9 October 2023 (IDN) — Highly regarded Zimbabwe author Tsitsi Dangaarembga has been tapped for the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom award, given to individuals with “remarkable courage and dedication” and political activism. Ms. Dangarembga received the prize this week in Johannesburg. Tinashe Mushakavanhu, a research […]
Bonn Conference Sends Signal of Solidarity in Climate Action
By Ramesh Jaura BERLIN | 9 October 2023 (IDN) — Twenty-five countries have pledged 9.322 billion US dollars for climate change mitigation and adaptation in developing countries. According to German government sources, further pledges for significant funding are expected before the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference convenes from 30 November to 12 December 2023 in […]
Serbian and Kosovo Leaders Should Accept Realities
By Dr Alon Ben-Meir* NEW YORK. 4 October 2023 (IDN) — It’s time for the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo to come to their senses and accept certain realities that neither can change. They are stuck and should recognize that their conflict will end only through mutual understanding of each other’s aspirations and respect for […]
Iceland Imports Foreign Workers but Does Not Employ Asylees
By Lowana Veal REYKJAVIK, Iceland. 19 September 2023 (IDN) — Facing a shortage of workers in the hospitality and construction sectors, Iceland has started importing foreign labour while at the same time refusing to give employment permits to asylum seekers. Since early August 2023, at least 58 asylum seekers have been deprived of accommodation, food […]
A Wake-Up Call For Kosovo’s Prime Minister Kurti
By Alon Ben-Meir* NEW YORK. 1 September 2023 (IDN) — Prime Minister Kurti was elected on the premise that he would attend to Kosovo’s socio-economic malaise, lift its people from the ashes of the war, give them hope, and restore their dignity. Sadly, more than two years later, Kurti has little to show for his […]
Russian Invasion of Ukraine Triggers Self-defence
By Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS. 11 August 2023 (IDN) — The Russian invasion of Ukraine—now in its 16th month—has been described by the United Nations as violations of both the UN charter and the territorial integrity of a sovereign nation. But it has also triggered the concept of self-defence: you hit me, and I’ll hit […]
‘The US & EU Need a New Roadmap to Solve Serbia-Kosovo Conflict’
By Alon Ben-Meir* NEW YORK, 17 June 2023 (IDN) — It is naïve to assume that given the current geopolitical conditions in the Balkans and the psychological dimension of the conflict between Kosovo and Serbia that a resolution to their conflict can be found unless the EU and the US develop a clearly articulated cost-and-benefit […]
A New Message Rings Out at Royal Coronation: “Not My King!”
By Lisa Vives, Global Information Network NEW YORK, 8 May 2023 (IDN) — Along streets packed with Londoners, visitors from around the world, and members of the royal class, the coronation of Charles and Camilla was a sumptuous display of pageantry, trumpet fanfare, and gun salutes. A glittering gold stagecoach built in 1760 was on […]