A Hotelier Sets Sights on Wangari Maathai’s Prized Forest

NAIROBI (INPS | GIN) – A unique urban forest, beloved by Nobel Laureate and founder of the Green Belt Movement (GBM), Wangari Maathai, is reportedly in the sights of a hotel developer.

“Wangari is dead but not resting in peace,” said Kenyan Chief Justice Willy Mutunga, adding: “The proposed hotel in Karura Forest must be disturbing her spirit.”

According to Maathai’s Green Belt group, Ibis Hospitality Ltd, Nairobi-based, is hoping to build a five-star hotel on a 25-acre piece of forest. A spokesman for the group denies the group’s claim.

Pineapples at Core of Land Fight in Kenya

NEW YORK | NAIROBI (INPS | GIN) – A foreign company – let’s call it Goliath – is battling two small counties in Kenya – we’ll call them David – over the rights to prime farmland from which the Kenyans are seeking a small slice for public use.

The two counties – Murang’a and Kiambu – were looking for a better deal from the Del Monte juice company which was looking to renew its contracts for farmland, expiring in 2022 in Murang’a, and 2019 in Kiambu.

But the proposal to set aside 3,000 acres for public use out of the approximately 22,500 acres leased by Del Monte was received with outrage. The company took their case to court.

AIDS Quietly Taking its Toll in Kenya

NEW YORK | NAIROBI – Africa appears to be registering lower AIDS infection rates around the continent but with some exceptions. A new pediatric study has found that 19,000 children in Homa Bay county, Kenya, are infected with HIV.

While HIV is rarely a page one story these days, the virus is particularly rampant in Kenya where one in every four people in the county of Homa Bay, bordering Lake Victoria, lives with HIV. The area contributes the highest number of new infections in the country, recording 15,000 new HIV infections in 2013 alone, according to the Kenya HIV Prevention Revolution Road Map 2014.

Japan’s Development Agency Assisting Kenya’s Fight Against TB

NAIROBI (IDN) – Catherine Nduta, 26, was diagnosed with Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in 2012, when she was a third year student at one of Kenya’s universities, where she was undertaking a civil engineering course.

“I was almost 6-month pregnant hence couldn’t start MDR-TB treatment. I was to either terminate the pregnancy for me to start medication or continue with normal TB medication until I give birth,” Nduta told a forum organized by StopTB Partnership Kenya, that attracted Kenya’s Members of Parliament (MPs).

“I finally underwent induction and my baby was removed prematurely for me to start medication. 12 months of injections and 24 months of taking 18 pills a day: life was hard,” says she, now mother of one son. SPANISH | GERMAN | HINDI | JAPANESE

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