Behind the Scenes of a Massacre

By Roberto Savio* | IDN-InDepthNews Viewpoint

ROME (IDN) – In the aftermath of the massacre in Paris on November 13, media throughout the world are calling for unity of the West and intensification of military action against the Islamic State (IS).

Of course, the Paris slaughter can only cause horror and mourning. But why can some very young people act so atrociously … and is it not also time to consider the responsibilities of the West in the rise of IS terrorism?

Among the many reflections that can be made on its roots, three stand out.

1. The first is that relations between the Arab world and the West carry with them the burden of an uneasy past.

Abrüstung: Neue Forschung unterstreicht Notwendigkeit Atomwaffen zu ächten

Ein Gastkommentar von Jayantha Dhanapala*

KANDY, SRI LANKA (IDN) – In unserer heutigen Welt mit unzumutbar hohen Rüstungsausgaben, die tödliche Konflikte, Zerstörungen und die Vertreibung von Millionen von Menschen verursachen, sollten wir uns immer an die weisen Worte von Präsident Dwight Eisenhower erinnern – eines im Zweiten Weltkrieg ausgezeichneten Militäroffiziers, der später in zwei Amtsperioden als Präsident die USA regierte. In seiner Abschiedsrede an die Nation am 17. Januar 1961 sagte Eisenhower, den ich 1957 als Gaststudent in den USA persönlich kennenlernen durfte:

“Diese Verbindung zwischen einem immensen Militärapparat und einer großen Waffenindustrie ist in den USA neu. Der totale Einfluss – auf ökonomischer, politischer und sogar auf geistiger Ebene – ist in jeder Stadt, jedem Parlament, jedem Büro der föderalen Regierung spürbar. Wir erkennen die zwingende Notwendigkeit dieser Entwicklung. Dennoch müssen wir auch ihre schwerwiegenden Auswirkungen begreifen. Unsere Arbeit, Ressourcen und Existenzgrundlagen sind davon betroffen, ebenso wie die Grundstruktur unserer Gesellschaft.

After Paris Terrorist Attacks Europe Needs Unity Despite Dissent

By Daniela Schwarzer and Ivan Vejvoda* | IDN-InDepthNews Viewpoint

BERLIN (IDN | GMF) – The terrorist attacks that Paris suffered on November 13 evening have caused
tremendous shock and grief, but also fear and insecurity, not only in France, but throughout Europe. This new wave of Islamist terror, which may be followed by further attacks in Europe and elsewhere, has hit France and the EU at a particularly sensitive moment.

Education Can Promote Global Citizenship and Help the SDGs Succeed

By Tharanga Yakupitiyage | IDN-InDepthNews Analysis

UNITED NATIONS (IDN) – Since its inception, the United Nations has highlighted people-centred development. This is echoed in the newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to leave no one behind. But how can this be achieved?

This question was posed at an event on November 10 to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the UN Academic Impact (UNAI) that focused on ‘The Next Generation of Global Citizens’.

China: Süd-Süd-Kooperation – Fünf Milliarden Dollar Entwicklungshilfe für Afrika

Von Martin Khor*

Genf (IDN) – China ist zu einem der wichtigsten Abnehmer südafrikanischen Weins geworden. Nachdem der Export nach Europa in diesem Jahr stark eingebrochen ist, hat sich die Ausfuhr südafrikanischen Weins nach China 2015 verdoppelt. Die asiatische Wirtschaftsmacht ist damit der sechstgrößte Abnehmer von Wein aus Südafrika, wie mehrere Zeitungen aus der Region berichten. Doch nicht nur auf diesem Gebiet blüht die Süd-Süd-Kooperation. China will fünf Milliarden US-Dollar in die Entwicklungsfinanzierung Afrikas stecken.

New Research Stresses Need For Banning the Bomb

By Jayantha Dhanapala* | IDN-InDepthNews Viewpoint

This article was originally published as Foreword to ‘Don’t Bank on the Bomb – A Global Report on the Financing of Nuclear Weapons Producers’, a joint publication of PAX and ICAN.

KANDY, Sri Lanka (IDN) – In a world of unconscionably high military expenditures which feed the conflicts that cause death, destruction and displacement of millions, we need to be constantly reminded of the wise words of President Dwight Eisenhower – a military man, who distinguished himself in World War II and then went on to be the U.S. President for two terms. Addressing his nation in a farewell address on January 17, 1961 Eisenhower – who I was privileged to meet as a student visitor to the US in 1957 – said:

”This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence – economic, political, even spiritual – is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

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