Developing Nations Need Hundreds of Billions To Address Climate Change

PARIS (IDN) – Warming of the climate system is unequivocal. Concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased and as a result the atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, sea level has risen, and the impacts are being felt in particular by developing countries. According to the latest science, the emissions gap with respect to the 2 degree or 1.5 degree goal is not closing.

Developing Nations Need Hundreds of Billions To Address Climate Change

By Nozipho Mxakato-Diseko* | IDN-InDepthNews Viewpoint

PARIS (IDN) – Warming of the climate system is unequivocal. Concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased and as a result the atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, sea level has risen, and the impacts are being felt in particular by developing countries. According to the latest science, the emissions gap with respect to the 2 degree or 1.5 degree goal is not closing.

Bribing One’s Way to Basic Necessities of Life in Africa

By Jutta Wolf | IDN-InDepthNews Analysis

BERLIN (IDN) – A man raped a nine-year old girl who was on her way to school and infected her with HIV. The Zimbabwean police initially arrested the attacker, but then released him in secret. The reason: he paid bribe.

This case is by no means an exception The police and private sector have regularly been rated as highly corrupt, says Transparency International in a report entitled People and Corruption: Africa Survey 2015, adding: “we hear stories like this every day . . . In many countries you can pay off police officers to ignore any crime, however horrific and devastating – it’s just a matter of price.”

In fact, says the report, bribery affects more than one-in-five Africans. “Shockingly, we estimate that nearly 75 million people have paid a bribe in the past year – some of these to escape punishment by the police or courts, but many also forced to pay to get access to the basic services that they desperately need.”

For this latest African edition of the Global Corruption Barometer, Transparency International partnered with the Afrobarometer, which spoke to 43,143 respondents across 28 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa between March 2014 and September 2015 to ask them about their experiences and perceptions of corruption in their country.

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Vulnerable Communities Reject Proposed COP21 Accord

PARIS (IDN) – Leaders from the U.S. and Canadian grassroots and indigenous communities have expressed their opposition to the proposed global climate agreement, saying that it falls far short of what is needed to avoid a global catastrophe.

With more than 100 delegates from dozens of climate impacted communities across the U.S. and Canada, the It Takes Roots delegation is calling on world leaders to emerge from COP21 in Paris with an agreement based on real solutions. COP21 is the 21st session of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change from November 30 to December 11, 2015.

Vulnerable Communities Reject Proposed COP21 Accord

By Jaya Ramachandran | IDN-InDepthNews Analysis

PARIS (IDN) – Leaders from the U.S. and Canadian grassroots and indigenous communities have expressed their opposition to the proposed global climate agreement, saying that it falls far short of what is needed to avoid a global catastrophe.

With more than 100 delegates from dozens of climate impacted communities across the U.S. and Canada, the It Takes Roots delegation is calling on world leaders to emerge from COP21 in Paris with an agreement based on real solutions. COP21 is the 21st session of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change from November 30 to December 11, 2015.

Entwicklung: UN-Generalsekretär fordert neuen Marshall-Plan für Konfliktstaaten

Von Ramesh Jaura

BERLIN/NEW YORK (IDN) – Während Europa und die USA eine hoch emotionale Debatte über internationalen Terrorismus führen und Bestrafungsaktionen durchführen – wobei der französische Präsident François Hollande erklärt, dass “Frankreich sich im Krieg befindet” – wirken die Ausführungen von UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon weitaus rationaler. Bekanntermaßen arbeitet er an einem umfassenden Aktionsplan zur Verhütung von gewaltbereitem Extremismus, der im nächsten Jahr der UN-Vollversammlung vorgestellt werden soll.

Costa Rica: Mit Aufforstung und Artenschutz zum ersten klimaneutralen Staat

Von Fabíola Ortiz

SAN JOSE (IDN) – Naturschützer und Wissenschaftler wollen aus Costa Rica einen riesigen Naturpark machen. Der Schutz der Artenvielfalt und die Wiederaufforstung von Wäldern würden nicht nur den lokalen Gemeinschaften wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung ermöglichen, sondern das Land auch seinem Ziel näher bringen, die erste klimaneutrale Volkswirtschaft der Welt zu werden.

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