Von Kanya D’Almeida
New York (IDN) – Kriege, Gewalt und Vertreibung treffen Kinder und Jugendliche besonders hart. Deshalb fordern junge Menschen eine stärkere politische Beteiligung bei der Lösung der genannten Probleme.
Von Kanya D’Almeida
New York (IDN) – Kriege, Gewalt und Vertreibung treffen Kinder und Jugendliche besonders hart. Deshalb fordern junge Menschen eine stärkere politische Beteiligung bei der Lösung der genannten Probleme.
By Mirjam van Reisen* | IDN-InDepthNews Viewpoint
BRUSSELS (IDN) – With the 28-nation EU desperately trying to find a solution to the unprecedented inflow of people seeking international protection and a better life, the size of the problem and the political battlefield are seriously damaging European cooperation and undermining citizens’ trust in the European project.
However, the proposals presented by the European Commission six months ago were reasonable and fair. Strengthening EU’s diplomacy to resolve the Syrian conflict, stepping up assistance to the countries neighbouring Syria, reinforcing external border controls and relocating 40,000 refugees based on a fair distribution key – all these made complete sense and could have been an adequate answer to the situation, at that point in time.
But Member States didn’t play ball. The shameful lack of solidarity, pure selfishness and political short sightedness of a number of (especially new) Member States frustrated any attempt to manage the situation in a reasonable and serene way. Despite all the (European) Councils, precious time has been lost and the situation today is worse than ever before, threatening to hurt the very fundaments of the EU.
By INPS* | IDN-InDepthNews Report
TOKYO (IDN) – The Pugwash Conference, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995, has urged all nuclear weapon states to abandon nuclear-weapon system modernization programmes, and spend the billions of dollars earmarked for those programs on minimizing nuclear risks, preventing accidental launches and cyber attacks, and promoting disarmament.
By Alissa Akins* | IDN-InDepthNews Viewpoint
WASHINGTON (IDN | GMF) – As refugees continue to arrive across Europe, non-entry point cities of Europe and the United States should consider proactively adopting measures to attract migrants to their communities as part of a long-term inclusion strategy.
Far from looking at resettled refugees as a burden on limited government resources, communities should instead see migrants as an external stimulus to the economy with high potential to fill labour market gaps and provide new employment opportunities.
Ultimately, the vast majority of migrants stay in the country to which they originally fled and less than 1% are resettled in third countries. This gives cities time to craft policies to welcome refugees into their communities and grow stronger, more inclusive economies.
Von Neena Bandhari
SYDNEY (IDN) – Obwohl das australische Parlament das im vergangenen Jahr mit Indien geschlossene Atomkooperationsabkommen noch nicht ratifiziert hat, warnen Zivilgesellschaft, Umweltaktivisten und Abrüstungsbefürworter davor, dass ein Verkauf von Uran an Indien einen nuklearen Rüstungswettlauf in der Region auslösen könnte. Australiens guter Ruf als Verfechter atomarer Sicherheitsstrategien geriete damit in Gefahr.
By Martin Plaut* and Mirjam van Reisen** | IDN-InDepthNews Analysis
BRUSSELS (IDN) – The UN Security Council has concluded that the Eritrean regime remains a serious threat to peace in the Horn of Africa and the region as a whole. In a resolution adopted on October 23, the Council expressed concern at the evidence provided by UN experts who accused President Isaias Afewerki of organising “ongoing Eritrean support for certain regional armed groups.” The Security Council went on to re-affirm its arms embargo against the Eritrean government.
Behind these bland phrases lies a catalogue of evidence carefully assembled by experts of the UN Monitoring Group. They explain in graphic detail how the regime operates: It supports rebel movements in neighbouring Ethiopia and Djibouti, something that has been known for quite some time. What is new is that – cynically enough – Eritrea is now embroiled in the Yemeni civil war in return for the Saudi and UAE financial support.
Von Emad Mekay*
KAIRO (IDN) – Als sich die USA und der Iran im vergangenen Juli auf ein Atomabkommen einigten, kommentierten die staatlich kontrollierten Medien Saudi-Arabiens, die westlichen Mächte hätten einem mächtigen neuen Feind in der Nachbarschaft klein beigegeben. Die saudi-arabischen Behörden gaben sich wie üblich verschwiegen. In sozialen Netzwerken im Internet, in Wissenschaftskreisen und in staatlichen Nachrichtenmedien ging jedoch die Furcht so weit, dass nicht mehr ausgeschlossen wurde, das an Erdöl reiche Land könne seinen Wohlstand für ein eigenes Nuklearprogramm nutzen.
By J C Suresh | IDN-InDepthNews Report
WASHINGTON (IDN) – The United States is “strongly committed to the prosperity, sovereignty, stability, and security of the five Central Asian countries as well as a vision of regional economic connectivity through its New Silk Road initiative,” says the Office of the Spokesperson of the U.S. State Department.
By Kalinga Seneviratne* | IDN-InDepthNews Analysis
The guidance note on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering of Financing of Terrorism helps charities familiarize themselves with how they may protect themselves from potential abuse related to money laundering or terrorist activities.
SINGAPORE (IDN) – Over the centuries, all great religious leaders and philosophers, including Jesus Christ, have drawn attention to the evils of excessive greed and taught honesty and integrity to overcome it. The guilty verdict by a Singaporean court in October, convicting six leaders of a large Christian Evangelical Church in a 36 million U.S. dollar fraud case, has raised question marks on whether so-called Mega Churches with thousands of devout followers generously donating to their coffers are a business or a religion?
{youtube}RSrJsOjlyhs{/youtube} In this interview with IFAD, Mosotho chef and entrepreneur Ska Moteane discusses the impact of climate change in Lesotho, cooking local and why she is so passionate about supporting smallholder farmers.
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