UN Secretary-General Explains Significance of 2030 Global Goals

By Fabíola Ortiz | IDN-InDepthNews Analysis

NEW YORK (IDN) – The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is keen that member countries make Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) an integral part of their national policies so as to ensure that these are achieved by 2030. In an interview with IDN, he also stressed the need for the civil society to play a critical role in pushing forward this new set of global targets.

Growing Inequality Triggering Child Poverty in Affluent Nations

By Rodrigo Pérez | IDN-InDepthNews Analyis

GUADALAJARA, Mexico (IDN) – A new landmark report, released here the same day as the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced that Professor Angus Deaton was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in economics, seeks to deepen understanding of the impact of income inequality on children.

While Deaton was awarded for his work in “consumption, poverty and welfare,” the report published on October 13 by the 34-nation Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) looks at child well being for the first time.

Abrüstung: Atomwaffengegner fordern von Obama und Putin “Reduzierung nuklearer Risiken”

Von Ramesh Jaura

BERLIN (IDN) – Die Atomarsenale der USA und Russland, die etwa 90 bis 95 Prozent aller weltweit vorhandenen Nuklearwaffen umfassen, könnten unsere gesamte Zivilisation in weniger als 90 Minuten vollständig auslöschen. Diese Warnung formulierten prominente Atomwaffengegner in einem Schreiben an den US-Kongress, das Pentagon, das US-Außenministerium sowie an weitere politische Entscheidungsträger.

UN Resolution to Facilitate Debt Restructuring by Developing Countries

By Bhumika Muchhala* | IDN-InDepthNews Analysis

GENEVA (TWN | IDN) – The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on principles to guide sovereign debt restructuring processes on September 10.

This landmark resolution was submitted to the General Assembly by South Africa (current chair of the Group of 77 and China developing countries). It was initiated by Argentina in the wake of the vulture funds lawsuit by an international hedge fund against the country.

The resolution yielded a ‘yes’ vote from 136 countries from Latin America, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. A ‘no’ vote was registered by 6 countries: the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, Canada and Israel. An ‘abstain’ vote, meaning that these countries abstained from voting either yes or no, was registered by 41 countries.

U.S. Hedge Fund Threatens Use of Free Trade Accord to Sue Peru

By INPS* | IDN-InDepthNews Analysis

Washington DC (IDN) – An emerging-markets focused U.S. hedge fund that bought Peru’s 5.1 billion dollar decades-old military debts is threatening to sue the country.

Gramercy argues that the Peruvian government’s current repayment plan is inadequate and that if payments do not increase, it will sue Peru through a tribunal system embedded in the United States-Peru Free Trade Agreement (PTPA) that entered into force on February 1, 2009.

Pazifik: Kleine Inselstaaten debattieren über ozeanische Identität und Globale Bürgerschaft

Von Shailendra Singh*

SUVA, Fidschiinseln (IDN) – Diskussionen über die Idee einer ‘Globalen Bürgerschaft’ gewinnen in internationalen Foren an Dynamik. In den pazifischen Inselstaaten ist dieses Thema jedoch bisher kaum vertieft worden. Ron Israel, Mitbegründer von ‘The Global Citizens’ Initiative’ ist der Überzeugung, dass Globale Bürger über ihr Lebensumfeld und die gemeinsame Identität hinaus denken und sich als Teil einer größeren, aufstrebenden Weltgemeinschaft begreifen.

Nuke Disarmament Groups Ask Obama and Putin to ‘Reduce Nuclear Risks’

By Ramesh Jaura | IDN-InDepthNews Analysis

BERLIN (IDN) – Major nuclear disarmament groups are deeply concerned over speculations whether a Russian Tupolev Tu-160 supersonic bomber, intercepted late September in British airspace, was planning to attack the country and unleash World War 3. They have urged Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama to agree to “an immediate reduction in nuclear risks”.

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