India Failed to Fulfil Its Obligations but Wants Sri Lanka to ‘Fully Implement’ 13th Constitutional Amendment

Viewpoint By Sugeeswara Senadhira With increasing Chinese influence in Sri Lanka, the Indian government is lately trying to use Sri Lanka’s “non-implementation” of the 13th amendment to the constitution to provide more autonomy to Tamil areas of the island as agreed 34 years ago, in the infamous Indo-Sri Lanka Agreement, to interfere in Sri Lanka’s […]

Mounting Atrocities Against Dalits Across India

India is witnessing a worrying decline in the social status of the Dalits, coupled with an economic decline. This makes the marginalised groups even more vulnerable. Viewpoint by Dr Ram Puniyani This article is the 13th in a series of joint productions of South Asian Outlook and IDN-InDepthNews, the flagship of the International Press Syndicate. […]

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